+49 30 4504 5217
Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology, FB VI, Haus Gauß, Room B218, Luxemburger Str. 20a, D-13353 Berlin, Germany


August 2024 Our paper "Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for Reducing School Anxiety in Adolescents - A Pilot Study" has been accepted for publication in JMIR.
Dec 2023 The German Research Foundation (DFG) has awarded our proposal under the Research Impulse funding instrument. More information can be found here.
August 2023 Our paper "A Study on Multi-User Interaction-based Redirected Walking" has been accepted for presentation at ACM SUI 2023 in Sydney.
July 2023 Our paper "CAD Models to Real-World Images - A Practical Approach to Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Industrial Object Classification" has been accepted for presentation at the "Adapting to Change - Reliable Learning Across Domains" ECML-PKDD 2023 International Workshop, to be held in Torino.
May 2023 Our paper "Towards More Inclusive and Accessible Virtual Reality - Conducting Large-scale Studies in the Wild" has been accepted for presentation at ACM CHI Interactivity in Hamburg. We showcased our and were recognized with an honorable mention.
April 2023 We presented our projects at the HannoverMesse with Wir!-Bündnis Mixed Reality for Business – MR4B.
Feb 2023 Johannes' and Dennis' paper on "Style-aware Augmented Virtuality Embeddings (SAVE)" has been accepted for presentation at 2023 IEEE VR Conference.
Dec 2022 BMG project AnorexiaVR - Virtual body exposure therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa patients is starting in 2023 - More information here.
Dec 2022 Tabea's Paper on Image-To-Image Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Perfusion Parameter Maps from DSC-MR Images In Cerebrovascular Disease was published in in Frontiers in Neurology. Link to the paper.
Aug 2022 GameGem: Shooting for the stars. We presented new game concepts in the projection dome of the Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin.
Jul 2022 Demo presentation of our at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin, MR4B Summerparty and Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin.
May 2022 Our PAN-Assistant project started. We are developing a VR/AR system in a clinical setting for people with orientation disorders.
Apr 2022 We presented our research and lab at the Girl's Day.
Sep 2021 Our is conducting a large scale outdoor study - the Berlin Zoo Task - in the Tierpark Berlin. This is joined work with our partners from the Department of Neurology from Charité Berlin (SFB 1315) to study our spatial memory and navigation.
Aug 2021 Our is presented at Wissensstadt Berlin.
Jul 2021 BMBF project SynthNet started: working on a visual search from CAD data. More information here.
May 2021 IFAF project VR-REACH started with our partner at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Charité Berlin to reduce school anxiety in childhood using VR. More information here.
Feb 2021 Thereza's Paper on Interaction Based Redirected Wallking was accepted to ACM I3D Symposium 2021.
Feb 2021 Tabea's Paper on Synthesizing anonymized and labeled TOF-MRA patches for brain vessel segmentation using generative adversarial networks was published in Computers in Biology and Medicine. Link to the paper.
Sep 2020 Official opening of our with interviews of all project partners, VDI/VDE and BMBF. First use starts in October at the Charité Berlin Geriatrics Research Group.
Jun 2020 Our proposal for the HumanVRLab - an interdisciplinary research lab for computer science, robotics, engineering and life sciences - got accepted. More information soon...
Mar 2020 Thereza presented our work on VR in Public Transport at the 1st Workshop on Seated Virtual Reality at IEEE VR 2020 .
Dec 2019 Presentation of our at German Society for Neurorehabilitation.
Oct 2019 Teaching WiSe 2019/20: Visual and Scientific Computing, and MA-courses: Computer Vision, Learning from images in this semester. More information here.
Sep 2019 Demo presentation of our at Mensch und Computer in Hamburg.
Mar 2019 Presentation of VITALABs and BewARe at the IEEE VR workshop for Applied VR for Enhanced Healthcare on Osaka/Japan.
Jan 2019 Michelle Livnes work on vessel segmentation got accepted to Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Nov 2018 BMBF project VITALab started - Developing a mobile VR/AR lab with our partners at University of Hamburg.
Oct 2018 Teaching WiSe 2018/19: Visual and Scientific Computing, Game Programming and MA-courses: Interactive Systems, Learning from images in this semester. More information here.
Aug 2018 BMBF project BewARe started: Working on a movement training for elderly guided by an intelligent AR system. More information here.
Nov 2017 Guest talk about Machine Learning for Computational Design and Engineering at the NTSI Lab at NYU Abu Dhabi.
Aug 2017 SIGGRAPH 2017 Los Angeles - I presented our work on 3D printing optimization (Optimal Discrete Slicing) at SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles.


I've been a Professor for Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology since 2015. I completed my graduation from TU Berlin in 2013 and hold a diploma from the Computer Science and Media program at Bauhaus University Weimar. During my studies I attended the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken. I've had the opportunity to work as a software developer at ART+COM Studios in Berlin between 2006-2008, where I contributed to the development of media installations. From August to October 2012, I was a visiting researcher at Disney Research Zurich. I also spent time between 2014 and 2015 as a Principal Research Engineer at a startup focused on machine learning. Moreover, I am one of the founders of the art technology platform, kunstmatrix. My research primarily revolves around computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, and digital fabrication. Currently, I lead the Intelligent Interactive Systems group.


  • Kristian Hildebrand (Head of the Intelligent Interactive Systems group)
  • Thereza Schmelter (Research Assistant)
  • Arnold Schwarz (Research Assistant)
  • Johannes Hoster (Research Assistant)
  • Levente Hernandi (Research Assistant)
  • Marc Störmer (Student Assistant)
  • Malte Weingart (Student Assistant)
  • Jonathan Hein (Student Assistant)
  • Luke Mikat (Student Assistant)


  • Christopher Kümmel
  • Tabea Kossen (Co-Supervisor)
  • Dennis Ritter


Applied Foundation Models Berlin Initiative for Applied Foundation Model Research (Appl-FM)
LiDAR2BIM Model-based PreEngineering with End-to-End BIM Integration
Anorexia-VR Virtual body exposure therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa patients
PAN-Assistant AR-VR-supported orientation and memory training for Post-Acute Neurorehabilitation
SynthNet Visual Search on Synthetic Images from real-world CAD data
VR-REACH Virtual Reality to REduce Anxiety in CHildhood
Interaction-based RDW Interaction Based Redirected Walking
VITALAB.Mobile Mobile Living Lab - Field studies for the evaluation of virtual forms of therapy
Medical Image Synthesis and Vessel Segmentation Synthesizing TOF-MRA patches for Brain Vessel Segmentation using Generative Adversarial Networks
BewARe Sensor-based intelligent augmented reality endurance training for seniors
DeepSketch Sketch classification using Deep Neural Networks
Optimized 3D Printing Optimized Discrete Slicing / Orthogonal Slicing for Additive Manufacturing
Sketch-based Retrieval and Modelling Sketch-Based Pipeline for Mass Customization
Sketch-Based Shape or Image Retrieval Sketch-Based Shape or Image Retrieval
crdbrd Shape Fabrication by Sliding Planar Slices
Photosketcher Interactive sketch-based image synthesis
Reflection Nebula Visualization Realtime-Rendering of Scientific Phenomena
InfoVis A Partitioned Rendering Infrastructure for Scalable Accordion Drawing


Computer Vision - Master

Students will learn about and implement selected topics such as AR marker tracking, image-retrieval methods and deep learning approaches for image classification and obejct recognition.

Game Programming - Bachelor

Students will learn about a varity of technical aspects of game engines and implement their own games in small teams.

Learning from Images - Master DS

Students will learn about and implement selected topics such as AR marker tracking, image-retrieval methods and deep learning approaches for image classification and obejct recognition.

Introduction to Scientific Work - Master

This master course prepares you to write your master thesis, reports or scientific papers.

List of open theses topics

You would like to write your thesis with me as your supervisor? Please read and follow these notes.

Visual and Scientific Computing - Bachelor

Selected topics such as computer tomography, face recognition, image processing, optimization and neural networks will be explained and implemented.



The Influence of Faulty Labels in Data Sets on Human Pose Estimation. Arnold Schwarz, Levente Hernadi, Felix Bießmann, Kristian Hildebrand. preprint. link

Generating Synthetic Satellite Imagery for Rare Objects: An Empirical Comparison of Models and Metric. Tuong Vy Nguyen, Johannes Hoster, Alexander Glaser, Kristian Hildebrand, & Felix Biessmann. 2nd Workshop on ‘Public Interest AI’ (KI 2024). link

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for Reducing School Anxiety in Adolescents - A Pilot Study. Gesa Beele, Paula Liesong, Sabine Bojanowski, Kristian Hildebrand, Malte Weingart, Julia Abrand, Christoph Correll, Nexhmedin Morina, Peter Uhlhaas. JMIR


A Study on Multi-User Interaction-based Redirected Walking. Marc Aurel Störmer, Thereza Schmelter, Malte Weingart, Levente Hernadi, Johannes Hoster, Eike Langbehn and Kristian Hildebrand. ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (ACM SUI 2023).link

CAD Models to Real-World Images: A Practical Approach to Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Industrial Object Classificatio. Dennis Ritter, Mike Hemberger, Marc Hönig, Volker Stopp, Eric Rodner, Kristian Hildebrand. Adapting to Change: Reliable Learning Across Domains - ECML-PKDD 2023 International Workshop. Best Student Paper Awardlink

Pointing Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction with the Humanoid Robot Digit. Viktor Lorentz, Manuel Weiss, Kristian Hildebrand, Ivo Boblan. to appear at 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2023).

Using Game Engines and Machine Learning to Create Synthetic Satellite Imagery for Tabletop Verification Excercise. Johannes Hoster, Sara Al-Sayed, Felix Biessmann, Alexander Glaser, Kristian Hildebrand, and Vy Nguyen. INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna, May 2023

Towards More Inclusive and Accessible Virtual Reality: Conducting Large-scale Studies in the Wild. Thereza Schmelter, Lucie Kruse, Sukran Karaosmanoglu, Sebastian Rings, Frank Steinicke, Kristian Hildebrand. CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023. link

Style-aware Augmented Virtuality Embeddings (SAVE). Johannes Hoster, Dennis Ritter, Kristian Hildebrand. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces. link 2023.


Image-To-Image Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Perfusion Parameter Maps from DSC-MR Images In Cerebrovascular Disease.Tabea Kossen, Vince I. Madai, Matthias A. Mutke, Anja Hennemuth, Kristian Hildebrand, Jonas Behland, Cagdas Aslan, Adam Hilbert, Jan Sobesky, Martin Bendszus and Dietmar Frey. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022. link

Toward Sharing Brain Images: Differentially Private TOF-MRA Images With Segmentation Labels Using Generative Adversarial Networks. Tabea Kossen, Manuel A. Hirzel, Vince I. Madai, Franziska Boenisch, Anja Hennemuth, Kristian Hildebrand, Sebastian Pokutta, Kartikey Sharma, Adam Hilbert, Jan Sobesky, Ivana Galinovic, Ahmed A. Khalil, Jochen B. Fiebach and Dietmar Frey. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 2022. link

Generating 3D TOF-MRA volumes and segmentation labels using generative adversarial networks.Pooja Subramaniam and Tabea Kossen and Kerstin Ritter and Anja Hennemuth and Kristian Hildebrand and Adam Hilbert and Jan Sobesky and Michelle Livne and Ivana Galinovic and Ahmed A. Khalil and Jochen B. Fiebach and Dietmar Frey and Vince I. Madai. Medical Image Analysis. 2022. link

Usability and Acceptance of Exergames Using Different Types of Training among Older Hypertensive Patients in a Simulated Mixed Reality. Stamm, Oskar and Vorwerg, Susan and Haink, Michele and Hildebrand, Kristian and Buchem, Ilona. Applied Sciences.2022 link

Evaluation of Rapport in Human-Agent Interactions with a VR Trainer after a 6-week Exergame Training for Senior Users with Hypertension. Buchem, I., Stamm, O., Vorwerg, S., Kruschel, K., Hildebrand, K. Human Factors in Virtual Environments and Game Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 50. AHFE International, USA. link


BewARe - Wearable- and Augmented-Reality-Enhanced Movement and Mobility Training for Promoting Health and Well-being of Senior Patients. Buchem, I., Kümmel, Ch., Ritter, D., Hildebrand, K.. Joint Proceedings of Workshops IMHE 2020 and WELL4SD 2020, vol. 3046, ISSN 1613-0073, link

Gamification in Mixed-Reality Exergames for Older Adult Patients in a Mobile Immersive Diagnostic Center: A Pilot Study in the BewARe Project. Ilona Buchem, Susan Vorwerg, Oskar Stamm, Kristian Hildebrand, Yvonne Bialek. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021), pp. 139-146. link

Pose-Guided Sign Language Video GAN with Dynamic Lambda, Christopher Kissel, Christopher Kümmel, Dennis Ritter, Kristian Hildebrand. Visually Grounded Interaction and Language ViGIL NAACL Workshop. link code

Interaction Based Redirected Walking. Thereza Schmelter, Levente Hernandi, Marc Aurel Störmer, Frank Steinicke and Kristian Hildebrand. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games) link

Synthesizing anonymized and labeled TOF-MRA patches for brain vessel segmentation using generative adversarial networks. Tabea Kossen and Pooja Subramaniam and Vince I. Madai and Anja Hennemuth and Kristian Hildebrand and Adam Hilbert and Jan Sobesky and Michelle Livne and Ivana Galinovic and Ahmed A. Khalil and Jochen B. Fiebach and Dietmar Frey. Computers in Biology and Medicine link


Analysis of Interaction Spaces for VR in Public Transport Systems. Schmelter, Thereza and Hildebrand, Kristian. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) link


VITALab.Mobile - A Mobile Living Lab. Schmelter, Thereza and Rings, Sebastian and Prasuhn, Caspar and Villwock, Joachim and Steinicke, Frank and Hildebrand, Kristian. Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2019. Demo Track. link pdf

BewARe - Sensor-based Augmented Reality system for individualized endurance training for elderly people. Kümmel, Christopher and Wesberg, Philippe and Vorweg, Susan and Stamm, Oskar and Steinert, Anika and Villwock, Joachim and Hildebrand, Kristian. IEEE VR 2019 Workshop - Applied VR for Enhanced Healthcare. pdf

U-net Deep Learning Framework for High Performance Vessel Segmentation in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease. Livne, Michelle and Rieger, Jana and Aydin, Orhun and Taha, Abdel and Akay, Ela and Kossen, Tabea and Sobesky, Jan and Kelleher, John and Hildebrand, Kristian and Frey, Dietmar and Madai, Vince. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019. link

2016 - 2017

Optimal Discrete Slicing. Alexa, Marc and Hildebrand, Kristian and Lefebvre, Sylvain. ACM Transactions on Graphics 2017.pdf, link

Sketch classification using Deep Neural Networks. Tarner, Hagen and Hildebrand, Kristian. Proceedings of Research Day Berlin - City of the Future 2017. .pdf

Computational aspects of digital manufacturing: a computer graphics perspective. Hildebrand, Kristian. Frontiers of Science and Technology. Automation, Sustainability, Digital Fabrication - Selected extended Papers of the 7th Brazilian-German Conference

before 2016

Orthogonal Slicing for Additive Manufacturing. Hildebrand, Kristian and Bickel, Bernd and Alexa, Marc. Computers & Graphics. 2013. pdf

Sketch-based Pipeline for Mass Customization. Hildebrand, Kristian and Alexa, Marc. Proceedings of Design Modelling Symposium Berlin 2013. .pdf

Sketch-based Pipeline for Mass Customization. Hildebrand, Kristian and Alexa, Marc. ACM SIGGRAPH Talks 2013..pdf

crdbrd: Shape Fabrication by Sliding Planar Slices. Hildebrand, Kristian and Bickel, Bernd and Alexa, Marc. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics). 2012. pdf

Sketch-based Shape Retrieval. Eitz, Mathias, Richter, Ronald, Boubekeur, Tamy, Hildebrand, Kristian and Alexa, Marc. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proc. SIGGRAPH 2012. .pdf

Sketch-Based Image Retrieval: Benchmark and Bag-of-Features Descriptors. Eitz, Mathias, Hildebrand, Kristian, Boubekeur, Tamy and Alexa, Marc. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2011.

Photosketcher: interactive sketch-based image synthesis. Eitz, Mathias and Richter, Ronald and Hildebrand, Kristian and Boubekeur, Tamy and Alexa, Marc. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 2011. pdf

An evaluation of descriptors for large-scale image retrieval from sketched feature lines. Eitz, Mathias, Hildebrand, Kristian, Boubekeur, Tamy and Alexa Marc. Computers & Graphics 2010.

A descriptor for large scale image retrieval based on sketched feature lines. Eitz, Mathias, Hildebrand, Kristian, Boubekeur, Tamy and Alexa Marc. Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2009

3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Spiral Galaxies. Hildebrand, Kristian and Magnor, Marcus and Fröhlich, Bernd. Proceedings of WSCG 2006. pdf

SequenceJuxtaposer: Fluid Navigation For Large-Scale Sequence Comparison In Context. Slack, James and Hildebrand, Kristian and Munzner, Tamara and St.John, Katherine. Proc. German conference on Bioinformatics. 2004. pdf

PRISAD: a partitioned rendering infrastructure for scalable accordion drawing (Extended Version). Slack, James, Hildebrand, Kristian, and Munzner, Tamara. Information Visualization 2006. pdf

Reflection Nebula Visualization. Magnor, Marcus and Hildebrand, Kristian and Lintu, Andrei and Hanson A. J. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005. pdf

Computer Graphics and Intelligent Interactive Systems